Cool movies are made up of a cool plot acted out by amazing actors; however, the cool knives wielded by the different characters are even more intriguing than the cool actors themselves. In fact, it would be no wrong statement that the representation and use of cool knives enable many movies to maintain their status of the "hit movie" even after decades, such as the series of Rambo movies. 

In this article, we will go through an amazing collection of cool knives which have been directly taken from the movies. 

These cool knives either helped the main characters getting out of life-threatening situations or, the design and appearance of the cool knives were enough to get the admiration of the viewers, such as the long-time popular "Bowie knife". Without further ado, let's jump straight into the list of the amazing list of the cool movie knives of all times.

1. The Rambo Knife

It has been long since the movie "First Blood" was released; however, the movie is still fresh in the mind of many people around the world. The reason for which is quite obvious: the movie contains one of the cool knives of all times; no other than the Rambo knife. 

The Rambo knife is an awesome survival knife; it has obtained its name from the actor "Rambo" himself. In fact, it is this movie which became the source of the term "survival knife" due to the collection of cool knives wielded by the protagonist (Rambo). The various features of these cool knives included a hollow handle as well as a tiny survival kit. 

Since all the cool knives wielded by the character "Rambo" helped him get out of life-threatening situations; they became an instant hit and everyone desired to have one. Consequently, many knife manufacturers produced replicas of the "Rambo" knife which was then sold in bulks. 

There is a huge variety of the Rambo knife available in the markets and online stores for the knife hasn't lost its charm yet. If you are a die-hard fan of Rambo and his survival knife; I suggest that you order one now!

2. The "Lockback" Folding Knife from the movie "The Edge"

One solid truth which we learned from the movie "The Edge" is the cool knives must not necessarily be huge and flashy; on the contrary, even the most common EDC knives, such as the "lock back" folding knife can suffice to dig one's way through life-threatening circumstances. 

In "the Edge", we can see how the amazing actor Anthony Hopkins fights for his life while wielding the EDC lock back folding knife which is less than 5-inches of length. Other features of the lock back folding knife include an ivory handle and a less than the 4-inch blade. 

The lock-back folding EDC knife of the movie contains the letters "C" and "M" which are the initials of the character "Charles Morse" as played by the actor Anthony Hopkins. The movie "The Edge" is a must-watch for all survivalists; the actor reflects some amazing knife deployment and maneuvering skills which are also a great source of entertainment as well as inspiration. 

The story plot of the movie "The Edge" revolves around a plane crash; consequently, a group of men is compelled to come up with effective survival strategies in order to make it through the unknown wilderness.

3. The Machete from the Movie "The Book of Eli"

The machete of the protagonist of the movie "The Book of Eli" is undoubtedly one of the cool knives I have ever witnessed in any survival movie. However, there is another aspect as well which contributes to the coolness of the machete: the awesome machete maneuvering skills of the main character "Eli" himself. 

Apart from his amazing survival zest, we can learn a very important lesson from the movie: the possession of cool knives won't suffice until and unless the wielders of the cool knives don't know how to maneuver and wield their cool knives. 

In this regard, it is important that one practices long and constant hours until they feel confident enough with respect to their knife skills and survival strategies. Choose your practicing hours wisely; skills and efficacy will soon find their ways and follow.

4. The Push Daggers of Rambo (Part II of First Blood)

Apart from the cool Rambo knife, the movie series of Rambo comprised another version of cool knives as well; here, I am referring to the small-sized push daggers wielded by the protagonist. Apart from the Rambo knife, the little daggers wielded by the protagonist played crucial roles for getting the hero out of nasty situations. 

The actor plays the badass hero who definitely knows how to maneuver these cool knives since he fights a bunch of bad guys gathered on a ship all by himself. 

One important life lesson that we can learn from this movie is that apart from carrying the main weapon of self defense (the Rambo knife), it is always nice to carry a secondary option of ‘side weapon' as well (the tiny daggers). 

The scene where Rambo unleashes these cool knives always stays an all-time-favorite of many people, including me. His knife fighting skills are simply amazing.

5. The Tomahawk from the Movie "The Patriot"

The Tomahawks are amazing and cool knives when it comes to camping and fighting; however, there is nothing cooler than witnessing a Tomahawk knife being used as a "throwing knife". The movie "the Patriot" rightfully reflects the impressiveness of this blade. 

The protagonist of the movie Mel uses this amazing tool to beat the hell out of a bunch of redcoats; undoubtedly, this movie scenes is a bit of gory; however, we cannot simply let go of the impressive skill level of the protagonist. 

An important life-lesson learned from the movie "The Patriot" is that no matter what weapon one possesses, it won't do them any good until and unless they don't know how to effectively use the weapon. 

In this respect, it is beyond impressive how the protagonist of the movie "the Patriot" succeeds in throwing the Tomahawk at a bunch of idiots with great accuracy.

6. The Tracker Knife used in the Movie "The Hunted"

The Tracker knife wielded by the actor Benicio Del Toro rightfully earns its place among the cool knives wielded in movies due to its unique and aggressive design. Some people might disagree with this; however, this doesn't change my decision about the awesomeness of this blade anyway. 

The movie "the Hunted" brought forth the popularity of this amazing tracker knife. We all know that there is a huge variety of survival knives available in the markets; in this regard, I reckon that Tom Brown did an outclass job by coming up with an amazing functioning survival knife while keeping the design and appearance of the blade unique but simple at the same time. 

This tracker knife is wielded in a beast mode by the actor which only adds to the level of awesomeness of this cool knife. If you agree with me that the tracker knife is rightfully one of the cool knives, you might get yours online as well. 

You don't have to worry if you aren't much familiar with the maneuverability of such cool knives as a manual is dispatched with each of the Tracker knives.

7. The Bowie Knife featured in the Movie "Crocodile Dundee"

This is a classical version of the Bowie knife featured in one of the all-time classics "Crocodile Dundee". I believe that those times were essentially cool when you could wield cool knives, such as the Bowie knife without people staring at you in that funny weird way as if you are the odd one out. 

We can't refute the fact that the Bowie knife is amazing and different from the rest of the EDC pocket knives. In fact, if you have ever carried a Bowie knife, you would know that it feels as if you are carrying an amazing little sword strapped to your side. 

The knife-wielding actor of the movie rightfully chuckles at his opponent by making fun of his knife "…that's not a knife…. chuckles… this is a knife", unleashes his Bowie knife. The list of cool knives could go on longer; however, I wonder whether these knives are as good as depicted in the movies. There is only one way to find out.