What Does Pepper Spray Feel Like?
Posted by Knives Deal on 1/16/2023 to
Self Defense

In order to understand why law enforcement and civilians use pepper spray, one must first know its origins. The use of chili peppers in warfare can be traced back almost 5000 years ago! In recent centuries, people began burning spices like cayenne pepper near their homes to repel animals such as bears, which would scare them away once they smelled it. In the 17th century, Europeans began using pepper in warfare.
This is why the latter-day Lysol product's name comes from "lysolum," a Latin word for cayenne pepper (hence, it being a disinfectant). This spray was used for the first time by the U.S. military in action during the Vietnam War in 1969. Scientists at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory developed this non-lethal weapon. They gave out samples to various military units so that they could test them out in actual combat situations.
Introduction to Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is a type of irritant and crowd control weapon that was originally used by law enforcement but has also been increasingly used by individuals for personal protection, against both bears and humans. The active ingredient of this spray is oleoresin capsicum, which is derived from hot chili peppers.
It's easy to confuse this spray with another similar substance called tear gas (which you may have seen in the news). Tear gas causes the eyes to produce a lot of tears as well as temporary blindness through irritation of the eyes. This spray causes severe irritation to sensitive membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth, throat, and lungs. Effects usually cease within 30 minutes but can persist for up to 2 hours if not treated properly.

Pepper Spray’s Research and Invention
Pepper spray is similar to tear gas, but has been made specifically for self-defense. It is carried by most law enforcement organizations in the US and all over the world. It was developed by John Smith who was the manager of security at The University of California Davis, after a discussion with other professors, decided that they required a way to subdue violent people without posing a serious threat to them.
UCD stands out as being one of the few police departments at that time that carried weapons designed solely for use on humans (as opposed to animals). This spray used at the time was water soluble and therefore would not stick to people's faces like the one that Smith developed. Smith thought that if a powder could be attached to an oil base, it would be able to stick to people's faces.
After his research, he found that capsaicin worked well in creating an oil-based substance. Smith called this substance Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) or pepper spray for short. The substance was widely used by law enforcement agencies all over the United States throughout the 1990s but became widely controversial after several deaths of civilians at the hands of police officers using this spray occurred.
In the mid-1990s the spray was already widely available for purchase by the public, however, it was not widely known what it was or how to use it. The product found the most success in selling the spray at sporting events and construction sites like stadiums, car dealerships, and other places where large crowds would gather at once.
It wasn't until around 2000 that the product found major success on the civilian market when people began using this spray to protect themselves against bears. By 2003 several different sprays were released on the civilian market. Differences include size, shape, and price but each can be used as one of the most effective self defense weapons (that has been proven in court) against humans and animals alike.
How Does Pepper Spray Feel?
Believe it or not, pepper spray is a prevalent item that can be found on our grocery store shelves. There are quite a few different types of spray that vary in strength, but all of them have one thing in common — they are designed to cause pain and discomfort to any unwanted (or unwelcomed) guests, whether they are protesters or unwelcome house guests. But what does the spray feel like?
Well, the best way for you to experience the feeling of someone spraying your face with this substance is by using something called a "prank kit". These kits are often sold on various online websites, ranging in price from $5.00 to $25.00, depending upon how powerful they are. They contain a bottle of spray and a small spray pump that is triggered by pressing a button on the top of the bottle.
When pressed, the spray pump releases several squirts of spray that can hit an unsuspecting person up to 10 feet away! As for using them for an accurate distance test — don't bother with this idea since you will only be able to get about one foot away from where your partner's face will be before you see any effects of the spray.
When sprayed into the eyes, the most common effect is temporary blindness. If a person inhales the liquid, they begin to scratch their throat and cough uncontrollably. When tasting it, they will often gag and try to spit it out as soon as possible.
If you are using a pepper spray product that is designed for self-defense, you should know that it is designed to cause substantial pain, burning sensations, tearing of the eyes, and respiratory distress when sprayed into an assailant's eyes or mouth. The burning sensations can last for several minutes and temporarily impair vision.

Also Read: Does Pepper Spray Expire?
Self-Defense Capabilities of Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is a common weapon that may be used as a self-defense product for anyone. It is one of the most effective tools in dealing with an intruder and it is legal to carry. However, only some get the spray, which makes this item difficult to buy and expensive. A good alternative would be just getting some canisters of this spray instead or reading about the benefits of purchasing this item.
The use of these sprays has been around for quite some time, according to Wepatrol. The first time pepper spraying was used somewhere around the 17th century. However, its industrial use started in the 1940s for military purposes, and in the early 1990s, it became a mainstream self-defense product.
The most common use of this spray is as a non-lethal weapon against humans. There are several types of sprays available today, but not all of them are cheaply available. However, there are many ways to get around this problem by acquiring it illegally or growing your own organic version.
The most common type of spray is made from chili peppers which may be grown anywhere from New Zealand to China and many other places. This type of spray, which is usually black pepper spray, is made by soaking the chile peppers in hot water and allowing them to ferment.
This process will take up to two weeks and it will produce millions of Scoville heat units, according to Cheapest Law Self-Defense. The second type of spray uses oleoresin capsicum and this is more commonly known as OC. OC - based spray is also used for defense purposes. It also may be used for crowd control as it does not have as strong of potency.
Also Read: How to Get Pepper Spray Off Skin?
Effects of Pepper Spray
Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans require emergency medical care because they have been attacked with pepper spray. In addition to the physical effects, this spray can cause emotional and psychological trauma that lasts for years. Statistics indicate that for every person who dies from the effects of pepper spraying, over 300 require emergency medical care.
The effect of pepper spraying is caused by the inflammatory-inducing chemical called Oleoresin Capsicum (OC). When sprayed at a victim, this substance causes immediate inflammation of the eyes and skin which makes breathing difficult and unbearable. The target's breathing is restricted causing asphyxiation and severe burning sensations.
This spray can cause severe burns to the skin, respiratory system, and gastrointestinal tract. Severe pain can last for several weeks after exposure to OC. A person exposed to OC might feel like their eyes are on fire and they may have trouble seeing or breathing. People who are pepper sprayed are most susceptible during the first hour following exposure.
Effects of OC may last for several days or even weeks after spraying since the chemical is absorbed into the skin's cells. According to a study by the California College of Emergency Physicians, 5% of people who are pepper sprayed require emergency medical care and roughly 100 people die annually due to this spray.
The majority of these deaths occur in children, people under 50 years old, and elderly individuals. Victims typically lose consciousness from respiratory failure or asphyxiation; however, some people do not pass away immediately.
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