Parts of a Dagger
Daggers are characterized as one of the most primitive forms of knives, with a single cutting edge. In this aspect, daggers are similar to spears but differ because they have cross-guards and no intermediate stop between the blade and handle. 

This lack of an intermediate stop separates daggers from swords with a crossguard near the hilt and a fuller that runs along most of the length of the blade. Daggers can be used as weapons or tools, but unless elaborate decorations or engravings personalize them, their use is limited to military personnel.

Description of Daggers

Daggers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the price and materials used to make them. These include the well-known push dagger, which is typically used for combat and self defense. The push dagger is generally small in size and easy to handle. 

Another type of daggers are the fantasy daggers, which have a more decorative design than other daggers and may be used for ceremonial purposes rather than for self-defense. They are primarily designed for piercing fleshy targets like animal or human bodies; they have been commonly associated with professions that involve these tasks, including butchers and executioners. They are also used as tools in theatre production or costume jewelry.

They are typically single-edged blades, although double-edged daggers also exist. Both types of blades come in many different forms and can be used for different purposes. One form of a dagger that is common in the Middle Ages is the knight's dagger, which features a fullered blade with a guard and pommel attached to it that functions as a handle. 

Another form of a dagger is the dirk or knife, which features an entirely straight, non-fullered blade with two or more edges designed for piercing.


Historical Myths about Daggers

In many societies, daggers have been used as symbols of status, power, and leadership. This can be attributed to their quality as weapons and their association with royalty. The earliest known daggers were made more than 8000 years ago during the Stone Age by the Carpini from the northern Caucasus Mountains. These medieval daggers were ornately designed with carved animal images into a handle of mammoth or other tusks. 

Many societies have myths about their daggers. For example, the Japanese believed that their katana could harness demons as spirits trapped inside of it because of its mystical powers. Thus, they developed the katana as a symbol of authority; it is still used to this day in Japan as a sword of power and status.

During World War II, Japanese daggers were called "katana" by American soldiers and commanders. In some instances, the use of "katana" was associated with various undesirable traits such as extreme superiority over other soldiers or leaders. 

The reverse was true for the American M1 Rifle and its standard bayonet, which were referred to as "bayonets". One anecdote tells of a private in the States Army who claimed he had killed a German with his M1 bayonet when none of his fellow soldiers had seen any action in months.

Parts of a Dagger

"A dagger is a knife with a sharply pointed blade and an equally sharp hilt, meant by its design to be thrust into the body of another human being or animal to kill them." The parts of a dagger are the length, width, and thickness of the blade and its point. 

Like any piece of weaponry or tool made by humans, it consists primarily of metal (steel in most cases) and wood (usually hickory). The base of the grip for some daggers is made from bone or ivory. Additionally, they have been used throughout history for piercing purposes. 

For example in Egypt during this period there was a large spike at one end that would pierce through enemies' armor. In cultures where daggers are common, they can be based on various designs. For example, the Japanese katana is a cutting type of dagger, whereas the Persian pesh kabz is typically a thrusting type of blade. A dagger consists of a handle and a blade. 

  • Handle

The handle will be covered in some way, for example with leather or wood for comfort and to give the wielder better control over how deeply the blade pierces something. The core of the handle may not be metal but instead may be made from bone or another material; this is often true if there is precious metal or jewels on the hilt that would make it too heavy without some other support to take off some weight. 


  • Pommel

The front end of a dagger will be called the "pommel". This is the end of the handle that is opposite from the blade. It does not do much other than preventing a person from stabbing themselves when holding it.

  • Blade

The blade is what most people are interested in, and similarly, it is made of steel but can sometimes be crafted from various types of metal (such as iron or steel) or the base material used in the construction of the hilt (like bone or ivory). The point of the dagger is its sharpness. 


The length from hilt to point varies from model to model. However, in general, daggers are anywhere from 2", up to 9", Big sizes. This makes for a sizable weapon for both stabbing and throwing purposes. 

Daggers are Perfect for Everyday Tasks

A dagger can be used for many everyday tasks. For example, in Mythical Middle Earth, elves use daggers for eating. They could also be used for minor self-defense, but this is not recommended unless you are being robbed or attacked by maniacs on a regular basis. 

  • Surgical Uses

Another use would be as a tool such as with surgeons using them to cut into patients during surgery, or architects using them to mark where they want their building to go while they are on a survey to see where they will build the foundation and start digging up land.

  • Self Defense

The most common use for a dagger is for self-defense. There are many ways to use a dagger for self-defense. First, you can throw it at someone if you are far enough away from them, or you can run and hide. Second, you can stab it into your attacker if they come close to you or if they grab hold of you. 

  • Throwing Weapon 

However, using it as a stabbing weapon is not as effective as using it as a throwing weapon because some daggers are heavier than other types of daggers (such as table knives) in the same way that throwing an iron bar at someone would be less effective than throwing a leaf at them.

  • Symbol of Power

Daggers are not always used for inflicting harm upon others. As with many other types of weapons, daggers have been used throughout history as a symbol of war and power. 

Kings and leaders often had their own daggers that were much larger than any ordinary person's; one example of this is Hammurabi's dagger which was two and a half feet long when compared to the average dagger which is 1/2 inch in length.

  • Fashion Accessory

A recent use for daggers has been as a fashion accessory. By using the proper materials (like real metal or wood) and simple techniques, it can be knapped into a decorative piece without the risk of being an actual weapon (so much less stabbing). It is a good way to channel the killer in you.

Historical Importance of Daggers!

Daggers are one of the most mysterious and intimidating weapons in medieval warfare. They were typically about 1.5 to 2 feet long, made from steel or other strong metals, and had a curved or broad point with a sharp tip. The main purpose of this weapon was to stab an opponent through armor, but it could also be used for slashing attacks when wielded by someone skilled in its use. 

They were also sometimes given to women as they did not carry a significant risk of being pawned off like swords would have been during times of war so much as daggers were considered feminine weapons (Women at War). 

During the late medieval period, daggers were commonly used by footmen and cavalry to finish off opponents that had been taken down by arrows or lances. Due to the heavy armor worn during this time period, dagger-like weapons were essential in dominating an opponent in close combat once the main weapon was broken or was deemed useless for close combat. 

The most common type of dagger used during this time period was a German/Italian-styled weapon called a rondel dagger due to its shape. Rondel daggers had many rings attached to its blade that supported the theory that it was first made as pommel for people fighting on horseback.